Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Vedic Cosmology Decoding the 5th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, part 8

By Mayesa das edited by Gauragopala dasa

Part One Finding the Moon in Surya Siddhanta

The formula for finding the planets in the Surya Siddhanta cannot be employed for the moon. This is so because all the planets are found taking help of the number 324,000 and 57,753,336 which are for the moon. If we try to derive the moon from this formula the numbers cancel each other out.

Therefore the Surya Siddhanta gives us two separate numbers for the moon. Still our numbers will be canceled out applying them to the formula as is. So we must surmise that these numbers are to be used differently.

First let us set out some specifics about the planetary movements, which we need to know.

1) The sun planet revolves around us in 24 hours 360 degrees; the other planets do not do this. For example the moon moves 346.823 degrees daily (This creates what is called retrograde movement.) At eight o'clock tonight you will see the moon over your head but tomorrow night it will not be there it will be towards the east. Each planet has its specific orbit time.

2) The circumferences, which we use in the formulas, are specific for the planets we are finding but we may also have to take into account the degree of movement such as 360 or 346.823. We shall address this later.

3) The figures (324,000, 4,331,500 etc) in Surya Siddhanta are mathematical constructs. They are to be used as they are. Mathematical constructs means - You have the earth planet, which is 24,902 miles in circumference. When the sun is at 23.5 degrees, the earth at that degree if you were to draw a line from the center of the earth to the sun and than find the circumference (circle on earths surface) at that degree parallel with the circumference 24,902 you do some math.

24,902 / 360 = 69.172. Therefore 69.172 X ((360- (23.5 X 1.91355305500 = 21,791.42915
Now how do we relate the earth circumferences to planetary movements? That is where Mathematical constructs come in

4) The sun does not always move 23.5 degrees nor the moon always move 28.5 or 28.6 but for the purpose of Srimad Bhagavatam and Surya Siddhanta formulas, some degree must be selected in order to derive the solution (We are making all attempts to use the degrees the formulas themselves reveal)

It is our hope that by perfecting one system we can correct any mistakes in the other system that we have made inadvertently.

Part Two. Finding the Moon in Surya Siddhanta

Morning Walk December 17, 1973 Los Angeles, California

Srila Prabhupada: “In Bhagavatam there is regular calculation what is the distance from one planet to another”.

The two numbers given for the moon are 324,000 and 38,328,484. In the formulas for the other planets we use 324,000 but we shall now use the other number provided in Surya Siddhanta 60 X 38,328,484 X 57,753,336 / (107,459,665.6 /2 / pi) X 2) = 3,882,883,458 / 28.5 / 69.172 = 1,969,641.283. The number 107,459,665.6 is the daily movement of the moon.

The number 1,969,641.283 is a single degree of the moon's circumference around the equator of earth. This is called apsis. The text in Surya Siddhanta reads "apsis" 1,969,641.283 X 360 = 709,070,861.7

This is exactly the number we found in Srimad Bhagavatam formula. It appears we can derive more numbers but these are sufficient to give us the moon. 709,070,861.1 – 107,459,665.6 = 601,611,195.5

What we learn is that the moon is traveling a great distance from earth planet. This indicates that the earth and moon are not revolving around each other in a synchronized orbit as they circle the sun, as modern science takes for granted.

Rather as the sun circles earth planet, so too does the moon. In order to circle the sun with moon and earth in a synchronized orbit around each other, the moon must necessarily be a small object. But these numbers reveal the moon as a large object at a great distance.

Bhagavad-gita as it is Chapter 11 txt 19 -

‘You are without origin, middle or end. Your glory is unlimited. You have numberless arms, and the sun and moon are Your eyes. I see You with blazing fire coming forth from Your mouth, burning this entire universe by Your own radiance’.

Part Three Finding the Moon in Surya Siddhanta

It is also possible that by manipulating these numbers we can find for the moon at 18.28 degrees that is the moons shortest declination. The moon is moving up and down north and south back to zero twice in a month. Sometimes it is at various degrees before it reverses direction, its shortest travel is 18.28 degrees.

We have said the moon moves 346.823 degrees around earth planet at the same time it is moving north and south. (60 X 346.8236479) = 20,809.41887 X (57,753,336 X 38,328,484) / 68,925,006.57 / 2 = (18.28 squared)

Again we have used the special number for the moon 38,328,484. The number of miles the moon passes from 0 degrees to 18.28 degrees is 68,925,006.57

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