Sunday, October 13, 2013

The cause of the living entities illusionary bewildered existence in the material universe is due to denying their existence as an eternal servant God or Krishna.

It is because of this, the living entity only looks within the limited material energy with Godless instruments like the Large Hadron Collider for the cause and purpose of his existence.

Even then, while in the biological gross material body, the embodied living entity is only capable of viewing a small percentage of the entire material energy with such devices, which is less than 5% of the material universe known as gross matter.

The other 95% is subtle matter that is undetectable by using the 5% of known gross matter we know about. Such gross matter cannot perceive subtle matter. All gross matter is ordinary matter that makes up everything we perceive with our biological body that is also a product of gross matter. In other words, all that we see with the help of modern physics and technology is a mere 5% of material energy. Which is a drop in the ocean.

Since 2008, only a few years ago, a new technological invention has come on line called the Large Hadron Collider at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) It was built with the aim of allowing physicists to test the predictions of different theories of particle physics and high-energy physics, and particularly prove or disprove the existence of the theorized Higgs particle (also known as the God particle) and of the large family of new particles predicted by supersymmetric theories scientists claim holds together all matter.

The Higgs particle was confirmed in 2013 but has absolutely nothing to do with identifying God as the cause of this creation; to the contrary, it has misrepresented the word God.

The Large Hadron Collider is expected to address some of the unsolved questions of physics, advancing human understanding of physical laws further than the radio, TV, mobile phones, internet, space travel etc and also find new breakthroughs in medicine. It contains seven detectors each designed for specific kinds of exploration however; such detectors will never be able to discover subtle material energy. And as far as the Spiritual energy universe is concerned, they will never discover it with such technology, not that they would want to anyway, after all, the atheistic material scientists rejected Krishna or God long, long ago and chose a material existence where they want to forever search within material existence for answers rather than trying to reestablish their original relationship with Krishna.

The Large Hadron Collider was built in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries, as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories. It lies in a tunnel 27 kilometres (17 mi) in circumference, as deep as 175 metres (574 ft) beneath the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva, Switzerland.

This Large Hadron Collider has been designed to look at the foundation of what material energy is however, even this machine, that costs 10 billion dollars, can only search within a mere 5% of matter that is a small portion of the material energy known as gross matter. Gross matter as already explained cannot detect the other 95% of matter, which is known as subtle matter. Such a big endeavor for such little return all because these scientists are not aware there is much more to the material universe than mundane matter or gross matter reveals to us. The real mystery of the universe is there right in front of them and called ‘life’.

In this way, because we are all living entities covered by matter or material vessels, it is therefore inherent in our makeup to find the cause of life that moves matter and research the difference between life and dead matter. The scientists are simply looking in the wrong place with their Large Hadron Collider. Why? Ultimately it is because most scientists deny the existence of God and believe instead in the Big Bang as the cause of existence and the evolution of the species as the cause of our existence.

This is why there are also many physicists who inherently believe there is more to the 5% of ordinary matter or gross matter they can only perceive. After all, they can only research with the Large Hadron Collider, 5% of the material universe and all agree there is an unknown 95% of matter they cannot recognize. They have fancy names for this other 95% of material energy that they call dark energy and dark matter but have no idea what it is.

They claim the large Hadron Collider will shed light on what this unknown 95% of subtle matter is however, because the Large Hadron Collider is made of the same gross matter as the known 5% of the material universe (ordinary matter) is made of, the Large Hadron Collider will not be able to detect it.

Although it will reveal to them that the material universe’s 5% of gross matter is much bigger than what is seen via the means of biological eyes only however, as already explained, their technological extensions that are also made of gross matter, can never detect or enter the other 95% of the material universe’s subtle worlds. This only means they are looking within a very small percentage of matter.

Factually, there is only one way to view this subtle material energy and it is not through modern technology. The only way is by developing ones higher consciousness through pious activity and this can never happen without a higher understanding of the entire material universe as described in the Vedas and most importantly the instructions in the Bhagavat Purana or Srimad Bhagavatam.

Even this higher understanding of the material universe does not depend on understanding Krishna as God, after all, we came to the material universe to forget Krishna as God and He allows this because it is our desire. Krishna gives us the free will to remember Him or forget Him for a near eternity if we want.

The material universe is for such souls or living entities because they deny the existence of Krishna. For this reason Krishna gives them the intelligence or lack of spiritual intelligence to search ONLY within the limited gross or the subtle material energy. In the case of our planet it is the gross material energy however, there are so many other planets within the subtle realm also and many of them do not believe in Krishna as God also.

As already said, this is because most of those who come to the material universe do so because they reject Krishna and want to do their own thing. They do not want to know Krishna and want to find their own meaning of existence but in doing this, they limit themselves to the material energy and even then because they also do not believe in the subtle material energy or ghostly world, they limit themselves to ordinary matter or gross matter which s a mere 5% of the material creation.

So because even this gross matter is vast, the human race can search within this limited 5% of matter for nearly an eternity or they can also take birth on a planet in the subtle material worlds on a heavenly or hellish planet that take up 95% of the material universe, moving throughout all the 14 different realms of existence for as long as they continue to deny the existence of Krishna as the cause of all causes and servitude to Him as the real goal of the living entities.

Krishna has given us an enormous almost unlimited material universe to play in and concoct our own existence and make up our own purpose of existence. With technology we have discovered many means of transport and now the human race believes that the gross material Cosmos, which is all they can perceive with their biological senses, telescopes and space probes, is the final frontier. In actual fact, what they perceive with the biological eyes and its technological extensions is only the tip of the iceberg.

They have built spacecrafts, space probes, the Large Hadron Collider, Electron microscopes and the Hubble Telescope to search amongst the limited gross matter for what they call the unknown (less than 5% of the material universe). Ignorance of ones real self and purpose which is to reestablish ones servitude relationship with Krishna, is always inherent within all of us and Krishna, through His pure devotees, are continuously inviting the conditioned souls to return home, back to Godhead. The continuous denial of the real self is caused by the stubborn denial that serving Krishna or God is the real position of the living entity. The living entity wants to serve their own desires and do not want to know about God, so Krishna allows this and gives them the material universe to do whatever they want to do. Krishna does not interfere yet always has his pure devotees present just in case a living entity wants the directions to return back home, back to Godhead.

The fact is, Krishna’s laws apply throughout the gross or ordinary matter of the material universe as well as the subtle aspect of the material universe. Such laws of nature are coming from Krishna’s expansion Maha Vishnu and passed on to Lord Brahma who in turn builds both the subtle and gross aspects of the material universe. This material universe is built in the form of 14 worlds, all with different time realities where most of them are in the subtle realm of the material universe that is devoid of gross matter. Such information is found within the sacred Vedic texts

All these temporary material realities, gross and subtle, caters for all the mistaken independent desires of the living entities who have rejected Krishna as the center of loving servitude and chose to leave their real home of Vaikuntha and Goloka-Vrndavana to attempt to serve their own selfish desires. All of us have originally come from Vaikuntha as Srila Prabhupada tells us.

These eternal Krishna conscious abodes are the Spiritual universe existing beyond the subtle and gross aspect of the material universe and also beyond the concept of mundane time which means there is no death, disease or the pangs of old age, life is eternal. Vaikuntha is known as a place of the ‘eternal presence’, which means it is devoid of past and future. Vaikuntha and Goloka-Vrndavana makes up ¾ of the entire creation.

On the other hand, this mundane material creation of gross and subtle material energy is temporary which means it is divide by time - past, present and future and only makes up only ¼ of the entire creation. It is a place of repeated birth, disease, old age and death.

Hare Krishna your fallen servant Gauragopala dasa

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