Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Understanding the inner Bhu-Mandala Universe deep within the Brahmanda spherical egg greater Universe

Deep within the ''Brahmanda" universal egg or bubble that oriinates from the Body of Maha Vishnu, some trillions of miles within is where one will find the small ''4 billion mile diameter Bhu-mandala Universe'' exists surrounded by the large Brahmanda dome that has many layers of material elements.

The small inner Bhu-Mandala Universe under the dome of the inner expanse of the Brahmanda egg shaped universe, is made up of 14 planetary systems that cover a 4 billion mile diameter only.

From outside the Brahmanda egg or bubble the distance one has to travel through the great ''Brahmanda spherical Dome'' to reach the Bhu-Mandala small inner Universe is over ''400 trillion miles!!''

If one had a 10 meter photo of an egg shaped universe the Bhu-Mandala inner universe surrounded by the material elements of the Brahmanda Dome would be seen as a little dot in the middle, this is how small our 4 billion diameter inner Bhu-Mandala Universe is.

Totally surrounding the 4 billion diameter inner Bhu-Mandala small Universe is a thickness of trillions of miles of material elements that go on until one reaches the outer limits of Brahmanda egg shaped full sized Universe

Our earth global sphere planet is just a spec found in the middle planetary system of this small inner 4 billion mile diameter Bhu-mandala universe

The "Bhu-mandala inner material universe" is also known as the inside Universe under the dome of the surrounding "Brahmanda" universal egg or bubble.

Our Brahmanda is just one of billions of Universes coming from the Body of Maha Vishnu.

The Brahmanda full size bubble that includes its inner small 4 billion mile diameter inner Bhu-mandala universe with its 14 planetary systems is a massive 444 trillion 440 billion miles in size

To travel that distance takes 75.5 light years

This is our relatively small Bhu-mandala Universe (The inner realm of Brahmanda bubble) with 7 lokas (Planetary System) below and 7 heavenly lokas above making 14 Planetary Systems.

Certainly no one can see the very small ''Bhu-mandala 4 billion mile sized universe'' deep inside the "Brahmanda" enormous Bubble or egg shaped universe if observing from outside the Brahmanda, unless you have mystic powers.

From outside the Brahmanda egg or bubble the distance one has to travel through the great ''Brahmanda spherical Dome'' to reach the Bhu-Mandala small inner Universe is over ''400 trillion miles!!''

There are 7 material layers encasing or surrounding the inner Bhu-mandala universe, each layer of this greater Brahmanda spherical Dome greater Universe is 10 times thicker than the previous.

Both the small inner Bhu-Mandala Universe with its 14 Planetary Systems and all the massive layers of material elements encasing it are called a ''Brahmanda'' or celestrial Egg that originates from the sleeping Body of Maha Vishnu

The Brahmanda full size bubble that includes its inner small 4 billion mile diameter inner Bhu-mandala universe with its 14 planetary systems is a massive 444 trillion 440 billion miles in size 
Your fallen servant Gauragopala dasa 

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