Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Vedic Cosmology Decoding the 5th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, Part Two

Compiled by Mayesa dasa, edited by Gauragopala dasa.

The Path of Rahu - Part One

The Srimad Bhagavatam 5th Canto, Chapter 24, text 6 says, 'Below the abodes of the Yaksas and Raksas by a distance of 100 yojanas (800 miles) is the planet earth'.

To understand the mathematical construct found in the 5th Canto we shall begin with the earth. The earth according to modern calculation is 24,902 miles around. How many degrees does a round object have? 360.

24,902 times 360 = 8,964,720. Divide this number by the circumference of the constellations that is 2,031,946,146 (we shall show how to derive this number later). Then multiply by (31,500,000-(80,000+80,000+800)) = then multiply by 360 = 49,775,421.11. This is the orbit of the planets called Siddhaloka, Caranaloka and Vidyadhara loka.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 5, Ch. 24, text 4 says, 'Below Rahu by 10,000 yojanas [80,000 miles] are the planets known as Siddhaloka, Caranaloka and Vidyadhara-loka.'

Although these planets are located above Dhruvaloka. Below is meant for the mathematician, however I am working backwards, which is more difficult mathematics. Let us begin with Dhruvaloka (we shall explain how to get Dhruvaloka later) and move thru Rahu to Siddhaloka etc. and to Earth. In this way we are following the texts as they appear in the Bhagavatam.

Dhruvaloka's orbit is 512,157,669. Divide by 360, divide by (31,500,000-80,000)) times 2,031,946,146 (constellations) divided by 18.19 degree of Rahu's declination) = 5,057,949.548 times 360 = 1,820,861,837 This is Rahu's orbit through the universe.

The Path of Rahu - Part Two

In our mathematical formula, which found the orbit of Rahu, we begin from that very same number to discover the path of Siddhaloka, Caranaloka and Vidyadhara-loka. (Of course we do not know if they revolve or are stationary, or what is their exact configuration or if they are above or below Dhruvaloka.)

1,820,861,837 divide by 360 divide by ((31,500,000-(80,000+80,000)) times 2,031,946,146 divide by 6.588,290,665 = 49,775,421.111 Siddhaloka

49,775,421.111 divide by 360 divide by ((31,500,000-(80,000+80,000+800)) times 2,031,946,146 = 8,964,720 divide by 360 = 24,902 Earth

The Path of Rahu - Part Three

The formula we are using will not be thoroughly understood until all the pieces are in place. But it uses the circumference of a planet and divides by 360 degrees to get the numbers for one single degree of that circumference.

Then it follows the formula of Bhagavatam using the 31,500,000 figure of the sun's second axle to subtract or add as the texts indicate. Then we multiply by the constellations. That gives us what is called declination.

We must already know what the declination is for a certain planet and divide by that number. That gives us one single degree of the new planet's circumference. So when we multiply by 360 we have the planet's circumference (orbit).

There is a little more in understanding the movement of the planets north and south, but we shall learn that as we go. The formula that I have described only works after it has been introduced in the text.

As we proceed, and each and every planet's orbit is found, including its north and south circumferences, things will become clearer. At last we shall draw each planetary orbit and see how they actually move.

The Constellations, The Big Dipper (Seven Sages) and Dhruva:

Discovering the number 56,400,000 and how to use it, it has occurred to me that the mathematical system of the 5th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam could be fashioned on such a system (see Sun's Chariot diagram).

It was finding the mention of such numbers in an Ancient Astronomy book attributed to Hipparchus that I thought I must be on the right track. It was through thousands of wrong calculations that the Lord was kind enough to let me crack the mathematics for one other planet. Then it was a matter of filling in the others. (Not a trivial task.)

I am indebted to Danavir Gosvami. I should also thank Dr. Nick Lomb, the Curator of Astronomy at the Powerhouse Museum for kindly supplying me the greatest declinations to the main planets.

We have shown how the circumference of the moon is derived. In the Srimad Bhagavatam the next text after discussing the moon is Canto 5, Ch. 22, text 11:

There are many stars located 2,000,000 yojanas [1,600,000] above the moon, they are fixed on the wheel of time, and there are twenty-eight important stars, headed by Abhijit. (Abhijit is a star in the constellations.)

Here is the math to derive the constellations:

Moon 709,558,416.2 divide by 360 divide by (31,500,000 + 800,000 + 1,600,000) =.058,141,463 times 864,000,000 divide by 8.9 times 360 = 2,031,946,146

The axle of the Sun is 31,500,000 and we are to add 1,600,000 miles to it. We have already added 800,000 to it for the moon. We divide by 8.9 because if you are standing on the equator of Earth, the constellations extend to the north approx 8.9 degrees and to the south approx 8.9 degrees.

Later we shall address Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the Seven Sages. For now we shall begin with the circumference of the Seven Sages (later we shall show the math on how to derive this number) and show how to derive Dhruvaloka.

Circumference of the Seven Sages is 1,386,038,221 divide by 360 divide by (31,500,000+800,000+1,600,000+(5 X 1,600,000) + 8,800,000 + 10,400,000 =.063,013,194 times 2,031,946,146 = 128,039,417.2 divide by 90 =1,422,660.192 times 360 = 512,157,669 the circumference of Dhruvaloka.

The number 90 is used as declination for Dhruva, as Dhruva is located in the center northern topward position of the universe. He is in line with Meru at the south.

Earth is out to the side from middle so modern astronomers, not thinking that the universe has a "design", calculate from Earth. In this way they calculate the North Star or pole star as 89.1 degrees or something like that. Bhagavatam apparently calculates from the center of the universe, which is Dhruva, even though Dhruva may or may not be visible to us.

Because this was once the prevailing view of the universe, in the course of my studies I found many statements alluding to Earth being near or in the center of the universe.

In fact, a great amount of information has been handed down through time in various scriptures explaining the constellations as being the home of demigods and angels and of the existence of a second earthly dimension below this one.

Gradually over time the factual history of that ancient information slipped away with the advancement of Kali-yuga and the introduction of modern atheistic science and technologies however, it was once held as true by the most erudite philosophers, astronomers and great sages. As late as Descarte we find him discussing the constellations as an area of divine beings.

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