Saturday, December 1, 2012

Reestablishing the awareness of ones eternal Svarupa

Srila Prabhupada “We have all come down from Vaikuntha some millions of years ago. Lecture on Bhagavad-gita on August 6, 1973

If you revive, regain or re-establish someone who has fallen from a executive position that means he/she was once ‘originally’ in that position of administration. Similarly, if you revive and re-establish an eternal occupation like ones svarupa, that means the ‘memory’ of ones nitya-siddha body is again remembered, re-established and regained. It is also incorrect to believe that the marginal living entities ‘originally’ appeared from a dormant state from the Body of Maha Vishnu, the impersonal Brahmajyoti and the Vraja River.

Is it obvious one is reviving the memory of their perpetual nitya-siddha body that one has always had, but the ‘awareness’ has been covered by ones ignorant material thoughts, dreams and mistaken desires that are like dark clouds that cover the Sun.

We see that the living entities are falling from somewhere but ‘originally’ long, long, long, long ago before being in the material dreams of Maha-Vishnu, they originally were in Goloka from where they have fallen, not as their nitya-siddha body but rather as their secondary baddha-jiva dream state. And by the mercy of Krishna’s pure devotees, they are always being called back to remember their nitya-siddha bodies in Goloka from which they have ALL fallen from.

We can only enter Maha-Vishnu’s dark mahat-tattva cloud, which exists in one corner of the Spiritual Sky (Brahmajyoti) by first using our free will to no longer ‘choose’ to serve Krishna. Now being only ‘aware’ of our secondary nitya-baddha sub-conscious state and ‘unaware’ of Krishna and our own nitya-siddha body in Goloka, we foolishly enter Maha-Vishnu’s mahat-tattva material creation of imagination and are given ethereal and biological bodily forms by Him.

When one is fed-up with the mahat-tattva and not fit to return home to Goloka, one may enter the Transcendental Body of Maha-Vishnu or His Vraja River or the ‘impersonal aspect’ of their own sub-conscious (nitya-baddha) dreaming state (Impersonal Brahmajyoti) The Vraja River and the Impersonal Brahmajyoti only caters for the dreamless nitya-baddha secondary sub-conscious ‘dormant’ dream state of the marginal living entity.

NO jiva-soul ‘originates’ from Maha-Vishnu’s Body, His Vraja River or His material creation or the Impersonal Brahmajyoti even though the nitya-baddha ‘sub-conscious’ state may appear to originate from those places mentioned due to the enormous amount of time the marginal living entity, as ones nitya-baddha lower self, is conditioned in the mahat-tattva (material creation)

These nitya-baddha sub-conscious state remains in a dreamless dream state after the dissolution of the mahat-tattva. This is because the marginal living entity is not qualified to go back to being ‘aware’ of their nitya-siddha perpetual body in the ‘eternal presents’ of Goloka. Consequently no one originates from the Vraja River, Maha-Vishnu’s Body or the Impersonal Brahmajyoti because all living entities originate from Goloka.

Therefore the Vraja River and the Impersonal Brahmajyoti only caters for the dreamless nitya-baddha secondary sub-conscious ‘dormant’ dream state of the marginal living entity.

The renegade ‘sub-conscious nitya-baddha state is then set in motion within the mahat-tattva material creation of Maha-Vishnu activated by the marginal living entities non-Krishna conscious ‘desires’, ‘thoughts’ and ‘dreams’. Maha-Vishnu's dreams are not false or unreal, for He dreams ‘reality however, His mahat-tattva creation is perishable’. His entire mahat-tattva creation is destined to decay and therefore every vessel is temporary within His mahat-tattva dream.

What He dreams is real but temporary however, it is also important to understand that His dreams are simultaneously the marginal living entities mistaken non-Krishna conscious dreams that are expressed and experienced as a impermanent ‘reality’ through their secondary sub-conscious extension state known as the baddha-jiva.

This nitya-baddha-jiva inferior sub-consciousness enters the mahat-tattva as a temporary dream state of projected consciousness that only exists when the marginal living entity is no longer ‘aware’ of their nitya-siddha bodily full potential of serving Krishna unconditionally.

It also must be understood that the Vedas are mostly written for the material dream or the comatose dream state of the marginal living entity that is projected as the ‘sub-conscious nitya-baddha’ condition to the mahat-tattva to possess an almost eternal dissent of unlimited ‘embodied’ vessels or containers that caters for the nitya-siddha’s projected baddha-jiva sub-conscious DREAM state.

Srila Prabhupada - “This material world is created by the dreaming of Maha-Vishnu. The real factual platform is the spiritual world, but when the spirit soul wants to imitate the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is put into this dreamland of material creation.” (Purport to Srimad Bhagavatam. 4.29.83)

The dream condition of consciousness outside of Goloka in the mahat-tattva is only experienced by the nitya-baddha sub-conscious secondary condition of ones nitya-siddha full-conscious body that is ‘eternally present’ in Goloka.

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